Monday, April 22, 2013

Another Month Older

Mason is now 7 months old.  Here's an update on what's new with him.  He now goes up to his knees every time he is on the floor and will rock back and forth. He is more independent while on the floor since he can move around more. He can roll both ways, finally, and he can rotate himself in a full circle.  

He also has started to make consonants sounds other than "gah".  I was so happy to hear one morning some "mamamama"s.  Then to Christopher's excitement the very next morning he started saying some "dadadada"s.  He is very talkative and has a funny routine that he follows when he talks a lot. Before he starts letting sounds out, his mouth will be open and go up and down a few times before he starts saying things.  

Some of his favorite things to play with are his feet and especially his socks that only stay on if he is wearing shoes. He also loves to play with the hammer from his tool set, books that he will mainly chew on and Gumby.  We got some toys that were Christopher's when he was little, one of which was Gumby which he loves but we have to watch Mason and make sure that he doesn't shove Gumby's arms too far into his mouth and gag himself.   

Mason will also take any chance he gets to grab onto my hair, he doesn't pull it he just likes to feel it. He giggles and breathes excitedly when I tickle his face with my hair, he thinks it's hilarious.  One of my favorite things he does right now is how he hold his hands while he is on his tummy, he always looks like he is posing.

He also likes to kick his right foot up and down a lot. He does it when he's in the bath and loves to feel the water splash around.  He also does it when he's lying on the floor and looks awesome with his hands folded and his right foot kicking up and down.

While out on a shopping trip we stopped by Crazy 8's and found some really cute pj's on sale.  They are his first two piece jammies and they make him look so much older.  He was so cute and happy kicking his legs, he probably felt like such a big boy.

He's growing up so fast.  This Sunday someone commented on how he is so much bigger already and how he looks like me, she even said he had my eyes.  I thought that was funny considering he has blue like his dad, long eyelashes like his dad, and I don't know if it's just me but this is definitely a Christopher face.

I'm sure part of me is in there somewhere, but I'm glad he looks like Christopher, and with a face like that how could I ever complain!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Trip

So we were lucky enough for Christopher to have no classes Thursday, and have Friday and the following Monday as a holiday.  We took a vacation to the West side of the state for a wonderful Easter weekend.

We were so happy to have the best weather when we were there.  The sun was out 90% of the time and the temperature was upper 60's...PERFECT!  We took advantage and went to Marine Park where we met up with some friends and Christopher flipped rocks and played with the crabs.  Mason was asleep for the first 15 mins or so but he must have known where we were and woke up to enjoy the scenery.

Pop Pop was nice enough to keep our stroller company once Mason woke didn't drive so well across the rocky beach.
We also had fun spending time with the Grandmas, we went to lunch at Lee's Diner on Thursday and had dinner and played Mexican Train Friday.  Pop Pop was so excited that he'd won, when we were thinking about being done he asked who was winning and when he was told it was him he agreed that it was a great time to stop.

We also decorated some Easter eggs which turned out beautiful.  We had some really good artistic techniques from Nana with finger painting the eggs into a tie-dye pattern, and Christopher using paper towels to paint a hard to dye spot.

For Easter Sunday after church Brianne, Eric and the girls were up so we watched them do one Easter egg hunt at Grandma B's. The girls were so excited every time they found an egg and were very excited to see candy and even money inside! Mason even decided to join in on the action.  He didn't really pick any eggs up, but after the hunt Christopher found an egg the kids had missed and Mason got that one.

The girls were given a bubble gun which they loved to use, they would run around and shoot it at people until everyone had been bubbled . Mason seemed to like it when he could actually focus and see the bubbles. Mason also got a gift from Grandma B that he wanted to hold and of course put directly into his mouth. He seemed to like it. I know he'll love it when he can sit and play in the bath and have his little fish swim around with him.

Kaylin and Lauren also had an Easter egg hunt at Nana and Pop Pop's.  They got so much candy I'm sure their parents are going to love it!  The girls also hung a few eggs on the tree to remember Papa, Grandpa Reid.  

Dinner was amazing and dessert was delicious.  It was an awesome time being able to be in Bellingham with family and have beautiful weather for an amazing Easter weekend.