Monday, October 12, 2015

Paige 6 months

Paige is 6 months old and growing in size and cuteness.

6 months stats:
Height: 27.5 inch (93%)
Weight: 19 lbs 0.5 oz (88%)
Head Circumference: 17.75 inch (97%)

Here is a comparison of Mason and Paige at 6 months.

6 Month Comparison

Paige is a great baby. She is happy most of the day to sit on the floor or in her exersaucer and observe.  She loves to grab and reach for anything that is close to her. 

She also loves to throw her body back and forth; if she's holding onto someones hands she bends her elbows and does air push ups. If she's on the floor she straightens her arms, bends her elbows and lifts herself up and down.  In the exersuacer she holds onto toys or the side and rocks like crazy.

 She loves Mason as much as ever and will smile and laugh at anything he does. He even played with her for a few minutes, she was in heaven.  He has also requested she be in his room while he plays but she isn't allowed to touch or play with any of his toys.

On walks she will usually ride in the Bjourne because Mason is in the stroller, but she got to ride in the stroller a few times and has loved it!!

Now all we have to do is convince Mason that it's ok for her to be in the stroller and not him.

She doesn't spit up much anymore, thank goodness, but she still slobbers and drools like crazy. She also likes to lick things. She also has started to eat some solids and really enjoys it, she grabs my hands then eats her own which are covered in food and makes a big mess.

Her hair is getting so much more blonde and her curls are not too prominent anymore, I hope they stay as her hair gets longer.  

She just started this thing where she squeals then drops her voice down to a growl.  We think she gets it from Mason always being a dinosaur, dragon, lion, tiger, or bear.  


Paige loves to watch Rio and follow him around while she stands in the exersaucer.  It makes her day when he gets close enough for her to touch.

We think she is so cute, and love watching her learn and grow.