Friday, May 12, 2017

Fun pic update

Just wanted to document some of these pictures of my two crazies and the things they do.

Paige is the ultimate copy-cat; especially if it's Mason. If he plays with something she wants it too, if he is eating a sandwich she wants a sandwich, if he has shorts on she rolls her pants up, if he crosses his legs, move his fork to the left side of his plate, makes a silly face...she does it too.

Paige is definitely not as coordinated as Mason was when he was younger, nor does she care as much if there is food on her face.

Then there was this one time we were eating jell-o and Mason somehow managed to get some on his arm, which he then ended up wiping on his face and because it was red he had marks left over where it stained his skin.

Paige is the best Mom to her babies, even Mason comments that she is a good mom or will ask me why she is such a nice mom to her babies.

Bath times have been fun with both of them. Mason in the past has been nervous about water on his head or face, but has been wanting to get better and will often yell for me to look at him while he lays down in the bath.  It may not seem like much but for a boy that used to freak out if a drop of water was on his nose this is monumental for him.

He also has some a very strange obsession/fear/interest of bugs and always tells me he sees spiders or ants places, even when they aren't there.  He even made Christopher come check his room for spiders one night before bed.  So one day while I was weeding I found a worm and asked if he wanted to hold it, I was surprised when he said yes, and was completely knocked over when he actually did.

You can see some wave in Paige's hair during the day but when she first gets out of the bath and it's still wet it has some really good curl.

Mason finally took a picture with his sports team.  He did tee ball last year and basketball this winter but wouldn't take a picture with the team; heck, I was just happy he finally agreed to wear the team shirt.  But he finally took a picture with the team and it's so cute.

Paige loves going to watch Mason play and will tell me multiple times that she sees him saying, "Deer bee bees."  That's what she calls Mason.  She will cheer for him when I tell her to but mostly plays on our blanket and picks the grass.  One time when we went she was really tired and decided to lay down for a rest with her princesses; which resulted in her being about 90% asleep for most of his practice.

I love that they play together really well almost all the time.  I think it's funny that when we go outside to play and it's really nice they always end up in the car.  They love to play in the car together and take turns driving places.

They can never get enough of throwing rocks.

And they love playing at the fire-pole park as Mason calls it and they love to sit by each other inside this tunnel, usually while I'm the monster trying to get them.

I frequently find both mine and their dirty clothes baskets dumped out so they can put their bed stuff in them to play or read books.

Mason has been the best workout buddy with me.

 Sometimes he shows me some really good moves like the backward push-ups he created. 

These kids are fun, active, unique, clever, adventurous, happy, exhausting, sweet and make me one happy Mom.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Pre-Easter Fun

This year Easter was really low-key.

Brianne and the girls were on Spring Brake and came up on Thursday, Mason was so excited and had a hard time waiting for them while they stopped at Gi Gi's and was so anxious we invited ourselves out to lunch with them at McDonald's where they had a great time and Paige was showered with attention from Kaylin I didn't even bother to worry about her up in the play-place.

While they were here they got to come to his tee ball game and cheer for him.  The girls made sure that Paige was warm even if they weren't.

They had a lot of fun playing outside and downstairs together.  They hung the plastic eggs on the tree in memory of Grandpa Reid.

And we had a little egg hunt for them, which of course they loved.  Grandma B put money in the eggs she hid at her house and Gi Gi brought some to put in their baskets; spoiled, happy kids.

They had to leave Friday night to get home for things but it was fun to see them Easter weekend; and my kids love spending time with their cousins.