Saturday, November 12, 2016

Paige 18 Months

Paige is 18 months and getting so grown up way too fast.

Paige Stats

Height: 2' 8.5'' (71%)
Weight: 25 lbs 8.5 oz (83%)
Head Circumference: 19.29'' (98%)

18 Month Comparison

She is still a huge drama queen with fits and tantrums of screaming, rolling on the ground and crying, but looking so much more grown up.

She can understand almost everything we tell her and has a few words that other people might actually understand. We know she has words for: mom, baby, dog, bye, boat, hi, dad, water, thank you, and please. She will often just make a sound like, "uhhh" and sign more with her fingers to get things that she wants.

She loves her shoes and will be entertained for a good 20 minutes with her shoe bucket in front of her, putting shoes on and then taking them off and putting new ones on.  Anytime she finds some of her shoes around the house she will bring them over wanting us to put them on, even if she already has a pair on.

She loves clothes, and especially jackets.  If I even say the word, coat or jacket she will pester me and whine until I get down one of hers to wear.

Paige loves her sleeping stuff which now consists of: her monkey, blanket, pillow, three babies, husky dog and a bunny.  She loves to take her things out of the crib and cuddle everything on the floor, carry them to another location, lay down and cuddle them again.

She loves to shove toys, paper anything she can find into small spaces or under couches. I often find trash or the toy kitchen silverware under the corner of the couch, or behind our DVD stand.  Christopher calls her a little hoarder sometimes when we find her stashes of stuff.

Some of my favorite things Paige does are:
-clasp her hands behind her back when she stands
-stops whatever she is doing and point in the direction of the dog, plane, or helicopter she hears
-the way she shakes her head yes at me when I finally ask the question she wants
-how she bounces in anticipation while waiting for fruit snacks or a poptart to be opened for her
-she loves the trampoline at her cousins house, and cries relentlessly when we have to get her off for the big kids to have a turn to bounce
-she loves to say hi and see Mason anytime she wakes up or he comes into the room after his quiet time
-she will hit her diaper when she farts or when I ask if she pooped
-she still begs to be carried up an down the stairs even though she can do them easily
-how she lies down on pillows, blankets or the floor when I ask her if it feels so nice
-if she steals or grabs a toy she knows Mason likes, she runs to me for protection
-anytime someone coughs she has to copy them with a fake one, or ten
-her noise for an elephant; she blows air though her lips like she's blowing out a candle
-she always manages to find snacks or treats that I have hidden in my bag, no matter where my bag is throughout the day
-If she wants you to read her a book she'll hand the book to you then proceed to back up into your lap
-she will cover her eyes when you say, "Where's Paige?", but sometimes just touches her hair
-the way she runs around the house sometimes just because she finally learned to move semi-fast

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Halloween this year was a lot of fun.  Both kids were old enough to trick or treat and enjoy the holiday.

We were able to have a little party with some friends, with carnival games and fun treats.  I think the kids had a great time and I loved watching them all play and have fun in their costumes.

We went trick-or-treating in downtown Fairhaven again this year and it didn't rain.  We were able to go before some of the schools let out so we got to enjoy the less crowded dry streets to trick-or-treat,

Mason was great at going up and saying trick-or-treat and Paige was good at tagging along and gabbing candy.  She was pretty good at grabbing only one from the bucket but would sometimes end up taking more, good thing she's cute to get away with it.

Mason loved being Leonardo and having ninja stars that went with the costume. He was a little confused when we first opened it and it didn't have swords, at least he knows who has what weapon.

Paige was in heaven putting her lion costume on anytime she found it and was so happy that she got to wear it for a whole afternoon when we went out trick-or-treating.

I'm glad my kids enjoyed Halloween and that we got to spend time with friends and family.