Friday, March 23, 2018

Last Trip to California

We went down for my sister's wedding, and it was also our last trip to my childhood home since my parents are moving as a result of them transferring to Hawaii for my Dad's last 5 years before retiring.  I took all 3 kids on the airplane by myself, and I was so happy they behaved well and made the trip totally easy.

Mason's one request was to go to Fairytale Town while we were there. I'm glad he likes it; I have fun memories there.

We loved having the backyard to run around in, and cousins to play with.  I helped my mom a little with cleaning out and organizing some rooms before their big move. The cleaning resulted in us throwing out the cardboard fabric holder things; Mason decided they were better to play with and loved chopping them and Lindsay was brave enough to hold them because I wasn't.

We were lucky enough to be there for my youngest and last sister to receive her endowment and go through the temple.  It was a little tricky trying to figure a way for me to be there while having a 2 months old but luckily we got it figured out.

We did Jack's baby blessing while we were there and were so lucky to have such a great group of men able to bless our little boy.

For my sister, Wynne's, bachelorette party we had a girl's day where we got our nails done, massages, haircuts, and ate chinese food.  For the boy's bachelor's party they went fishing out in San Francisco, they were even able to catch some pretty impressive fish.

Wynne and Johnathan were married for time and all eternity March 17th.  We took pictures at the temple and then returned home for a lunch before the reception that evening.

We were praying all week for the weather to cooperate so my sister could have her reception outside but it didn't, so we had to go to plan B and set up the church gym.  I think it turned out really pretty and it seemed like everyone had a great time.

I loved being there and being able to see all of my siblings and a lot of my family that I haven't seen for a while.

It was sad leaving the house that I grew up in and all the memories we made there, but I know that wherever we are together is our home, and I can't wait to make more memories in the next one.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Jack 2 months

It went by so fast and he is already so much bigger.

2 Month Comparison
MASON                                                        PAIGE                                                         JACK

Jack is continuing to be a great sleeper, he has started to spit up more, and seems to be having a little less gas but can also handle it better.

He SMILED!  I was hoping that he would smile at me on Valentine's Day because he was so close but he made me wait until the next day.  Since then he has made me really happy by showing lots of gummy smiles.

He loves watching the kids and will quiet down almost every time we send Paige or Mason over to talk to him.

He is favoring looking to his left, so we're making sure he gets lots of chances to looking to his right and strengthen his muscles; tummy time, burps and anytime he naps on me.

Paige and Mason have been keeping busy, playing in tents. The day they had their tents up I went to put some of their toys away in their room and all the toy buckets were only about half way full.  So I can't imagine how many toys they were hoarding inside their tents and how they were able to sleep with so many toys.

Mason has asked multiple times to ride his bike, but because of the cold weather he's only been able to go a couple times and usually only for a short time when he was too cold to hold onto his handle bars.
He is starting to be more stubborn in wanting to be a grown up and make his own decisions; which is nice at times but can also lead him to getting in trouble.  He is always excited when Christopher comes home and will ask him what he wants to do, thinking he'll say "play a video game" and if he doesn't say it sometimes Mason will ask him again hoping he'll change what he's said.

He loves creating things with his craft bucket, and all his legos.

This is the most attentive he has been to Jack and I absolutely loved watching him take care of Jack when he cried.

And each day I get a fun surprise on my phone of the new pictures he's taken.  And he recently found his church sweaters and vests and is constantly wearing the vest running around the house claiming he's a pirate.

Paige continues to be adorable and sassy and stubborn and cute.  She is still a huge Mama's girl but is starting to ease up a bit.  She has even started to be more cuddly with Christopher during movies and shows.  One night she came into our room during the night and she isn't supposed to be in our bed but Christopher thought it was so cute how she wanted to lay with him that he pulled her up into the bed and she snuggled with him almost the whole night, he loved it.

We've had a couple days of sunshine that lowed us to play outside and go to parks.  I love having kids at these ages for parks because they still enjoy them and can do almost everything at the park.

One day while running on the treadmill Paige decided to jump on the couch and smashed her face splitting her lip, and tearing her labia frenulum, the skin that connects your top lip to your gums.  Needless to say there was a lot of crying and a lot of blood.  This is the closest she would let me get to her lips. Glad she is tough and hasn't really complained about it since.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Christopher's Birthday

Christopher's work has been a little crazy so when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he told me for his court trials to be over.  I wish I could get him that, but since I couldn't he'd have to settle for a new backpacking stove(which he picked out).

Christopher is the best husband and father.  He is always telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me.  Despite being tired from work he will come home and play with the kids or help me with diner.  He is always thinking of others and will go out of his way to be helpful and considerate to others.

The kids were so excited to make presents for Christopher and pick out some candy at the store they knew he would like.  We made him dinner and a cake, very low-key.  Love you Christopher!