Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kid Update

I totally missed a 7 month post for Paige so I'll just combine 7 and 8 together.

Mason and Paige 7 months

Mason and Paige 8 months

Paige is now 8 months, she loves to schooch across the floor in a sitting position and pull with her legs one at a time.  She has yet to crawl but can maneuver herself to where she wants to go.She bends all the way over her legs while sitting and would be able to pop up onto her knees but instead keeps one leg bent underneath.

I was totally loving her hair and how it was almost a mohawk. It has grown in more since this and gotten longer so it doesn't look so much like a mohawk anymore.

She loves to smile at people and has started to be a bit more interactive and wave to everyone.  We love that she will watch and respond to us and I find myself waving all the time just to see her chubby little hand wave back at me.

She can be occupied for large chunks of time if she has a cupboard or bins to pull things out of, which we love at night after Mason goes down.

Paige loves blankets, she especially loves to throw them up and down over her head.

Mason is having a great time adjusting to Paige and has started to like her more and more.  He requested to hold her for the first time ever!

Paige loves to watch Mason run, laugh, and play.  Mason is doing better with her sleeping in the same room. The first night we were letting her cry and Mason came out a couple times letting me know that Paige needed me.  He talks to her when she cries and even plays peek-a-boo through the crib bars.

Mason is growing up so fast and getting a larger vocabulary. He is also starting to copy the things he hears from shows and stuff we say. So when he gets mad or really angry he tell us, "I'm sick of...(whatever we did).

Mason has started to sing his ABC's anytime, anywhere, so on Sundays he can be heard singing the ABC's pretty loudly skipping the J and combining the LMNOP.

We have started to teach and explain to him that people have first and last names.  So at random times he will tell us, "Dad you name is Christopher Burley"(he pronounces it Buree).

I just love watching Mason and Paige learn, grow, and interact with each other!!