Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Skit to Sea Weekend

So over Memorial Day Bellingham is crazy busy with a massive relay race they have been doing for over 100 years. There are different legs of the race that start up on Mt. Baker and end up down in the bay. Some of the legs are a down hill ski, run, canoe, sea kayak, mountain bike, and road bike.

On Saturday they had a big parade for the race. We were't sure how Mason would do sitting for a couple of hours during the middle of his nap time, but he did great!  Some of Christopher's family was there and Mason did well when he was sitting by the other kids.

He loved watching all the dancers and listening to the music. He would also dance and sway when the bands would play, and kept signing for more when the bands would walk past us. He wanted them to come back and play in front of us more.

Mason loved the parade, seeing the cars, service vehicles, dogs, dancers, bands, and performers.  He smiled and grinned the whole time and only got a little tired during the last ten minutes.

Christopher's dad is over the mountain bike leg of the race.  We went to Hovander Park where the canoe leg ended and the mountain bike leg began.  It was a typical Northwest day with overcast and drizzle all day. Mason loved watching all the people on their bikes and the dogs and all the chaos. He was as happy as could be sitting with Nana eating strawberries.

We went to the park and looked at animals and played on the playground while the race was going.  He loved running around and having so much space to play.

Christopher went back to help Pop Pop haul canoes while Mason and I joined Nana and Linda at the tent with the results boards.

It was quite a show down at the water as the canoes came in. It could get a little crazy when a lot of boats would come in and all try to get out at the same time on the smaller beach space. People were getting knocked down, canoes were getting hit by other canoes, and people were getting tipped out of their canoe into the water.  They would have to haul their canoe up the hill and across the line before their biker could take off.  Once across the line the racers were either happy or they would collapse.

The race was super fun to watch and Mason had a great time running around in the rain and getting completely soaked.  The parade was a huge success and Mason had a great time at both the parade and the race.  We look forward to the race next year. Christopher keeps saying he wants to put a team together and race again, something he hasn't done in a while.  Who knows maybe next year we'll be watching him race.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Law School Graduate!

Christopher is an official Law School Grad!!

We spent a few days in Spokane visiting with friends and catching up. Mason got reunited with his buddy Conner who I used to watch when we lived in Spokane. Conner is a very nice and gentle boy, and Mason, well is not. Conner liked seeing Mason and showing him his toys, but was a little scared of him. Mason would of course make every toy a bat and swing it.  Conner mostly stayed out of Mason's way while they played but they had fun.

We also spent an afternoon at the park and had a picnic with the Owens and their family.  It was so fun to see them and see how much their kids have grown.

We spent our nights lounging around the "villa", an amazing home with even more amazing owners! Not to mention Mason loved the huge dogs, I mean bear-dogs, he got to play with. Thanks again for housing us and taking us in for the weekend.

We did get to visit our favorite restaurant...WADDELLS!  It was amazing and totally worth a trip in itself.

Christopher's graduation was Saturday morning and was quick enough that Mason almost made it through the whole thing.  Christopher made it across the stage, he didn't trip and looked awesome in all the grad garb.

It was a great trip and so much fun.  Congrats Christopher! We are all so proud of you!