Saturday, May 17, 2014

Law School Graduate!

Christopher is an official Law School Grad!!

We spent a few days in Spokane visiting with friends and catching up. Mason got reunited with his buddy Conner who I used to watch when we lived in Spokane. Conner is a very nice and gentle boy, and Mason, well is not. Conner liked seeing Mason and showing him his toys, but was a little scared of him. Mason would of course make every toy a bat and swing it.  Conner mostly stayed out of Mason's way while they played but they had fun.

We also spent an afternoon at the park and had a picnic with the Owens and their family.  It was so fun to see them and see how much their kids have grown.

We spent our nights lounging around the "villa", an amazing home with even more amazing owners! Not to mention Mason loved the huge dogs, I mean bear-dogs, he got to play with. Thanks again for housing us and taking us in for the weekend.

We did get to visit our favorite restaurant...WADDELLS!  It was amazing and totally worth a trip in itself.

Christopher's graduation was Saturday morning and was quick enough that Mason almost made it through the whole thing.  Christopher made it across the stage, he didn't trip and looked awesome in all the grad garb.

It was a great trip and so much fun.  Congrats Christopher! We are all so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, he graduated!! Can't wait for the chaos that Mason and Crew are going to cause this summer with their wild ways, I really wish we lived closer.
