Sunday, August 17, 2014

5 years...Birch Bay...Semi-Camping trip...Lynden Fair

5 Years

Last weekend was our 5 year anniversary. We were lucky enough to have some sweet connections to get tickets to go on a day whale watching, island cruise, boat trip through the San Juans.

 We did the same trip a few years ago and didn't see any whales, but this time we did. I had seen them before, but only at Sea World.

 It was really cool to see them swimming in something not shaped like a bowl, and in fairly big groups. Our boat pulled up to them just as they finished doing jumps and playing around lots, so we mostly saw them swimming.

The fins on the males were huge, around 6 feet tall. We had a fun time just the two of us, enjoying the boat ride, food, and time without Mason.

Birch Bay

Christopher's sister Brianne and her three girls came up for a weekend to visit and we got to go with them to Birch Bay. Mason loves it there, running in the water and playing in the sand.

 It was fun that Christopher got to come with us this time.  Mason loved racing him through the water, finding shells, and using his feet to make really big splashes.

It was fun to watch all the kids play in their own way in the sand and water. Mason loved playing in the water and getting to see his cousins.


When I took that trip to see my family and go camping, Mason slept in his own bag. We took advantage of Christopher being home with us while job hunting and planned a camping trip. It has been so nice this summer with temperature in upper 70's and sunny skies. So we packed up and drove over to West Port to camp a couple nights, we get to the campground a little after 3, set up our site and headed over to the beach. Mason loved being in the water, he would stand and let the waves come to him until he got knocked down. After that he would only stand for half of them and run away the other half.

We headed back to the campsite to eat dinner and avoid the darker looking clouds that were rolling in.
It was pretty chilly and a burn ban had just been put into effect so we huddled outside while Mason was in the tent trying to sleep. We could hear him jumping on our bed and rummaging through all the stuff. When we knew he was asleep we headed for bed and when we opened up the tent Mason was passed out face first in the middle of our bed, lying on a flashlight, with all the cards from Christopher's wallet thrown about the tent. He definitely had a good time "going to sleep".

 Remember it had been perfect weather, well of course that night it pours! It rained a few inches and continued through the next morning. We saw that it was supposed to rain for the next couple days, so we packed up all of our wet stuff and drove home.

It was sad to leave so soon and we would have stayed if we didn't have a kid that had to be confined to a tent most of the day.  It was still a fun trip, we were of course sad to leave and drive all the way there and back for only one short night, but Mason was good in the car so it wasn't too bad.  We'll just have to try again next year.

Lynden Fair

JB worked the Northwest Washington Fair this past week and got us tickets so we headed down on Friday afternoon to check it out. Mason was so excited when we told him he was going to see cows he mooed the whole car ride over. He loved seeing all the animals, especially the baby animal exhibit. the piglets were going crazy running around, Mason was nervous a couple times when they ran by his legs, but he loved it otherwise.

Mason also got to see a ninja turtle at the fair. It was there for a karate booth and Mason has been really into the classic turtle cartoons lately and got so exited when he saw Raphael and wanted to give him a high five. He usually gets scared when we get close to things that are new, but he was so excited and was smiling non-stop.

The fair was great and we had so much fun with Nana and Pop Pop looking at exhibits, eating food, and seeing all the animals.