Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Paige 9 & 10 months...CA trip

Quick update about Paige from the last 2 months...

9 Month Comparison

Paige 9 months stats
Height: 28.25 inch(72%)
Weight: 20 lbs (78%)
Head Circumference: 18 inch(95%)

Paige loves to wave at everything and everyone. 
Paige has learned to crawl and will do a normal crawl on carpet but totally abandon it when she's on hard floor and scooches on her bum in a seated position using only one leg to pull herself forward. 
Paige will answer to "come here".
She loves to chew on her hands.
She can stand up and chew on the crib rails.
She still beams when Mason talks to her and plays with her.
She loves to chase after Mason while he yells, "Paige comin' for me!"

10 months Comparison

Paige loves to pull herself up onto everything, and can get successfully down.
She loves to put things in her mouth and leave it in there without using her hands to hold it.
She laughs like crazy when she and Mason play in the tent.
She yells at Mason if he falls asleep before she's ready to go to sleep.
She will empty out her Noah's Arc 'Little People' animals by throwing each and every one of them.
She will giggle and clap when she plays catch.
Loves to look at herself and smack the mirror.
Loves to empty laundry baskets and carry clothes around with her.

Quick update of Mason...

Calls toilet paper and napkins "paper napkins"
Likes to watch Wild Kratts show, he calls it Kratt Brothers, but he pronounces it,"crappers."
Loves to barricade himself under the table with chairs or stools.
Will come out of quiet time or bed asking for different items and will describe them as "the thing with the thing"

I was lucky enough to get the chance to visit my family for a week. Mason and Paige loved it. We had lots of fun playing with Grammie and Paka.  Mason got to help Grammie sew and jump on the trampoline. We were excited that Brittany and her kids came on Tues night and we got to hang out with them and Chris and Julie and their kids also well. We had fun playing with cousins, going to the children's museum, reading books, playing video games, tackling Paka, playing in the rain, watching movies, playing at the park, eating popcorn, baking cookies, and having non-stop fun!

Mason loved spending time with 'Lissa", and even kicked me out of the room so they could play.

Lindsay in her Rapunzel dress for Disney day at school.

Hungry hungry hippos got played a lot and with lots of energy from the kids!

We loved getting to spend time with our family!