One year comparison

Paige 1 year Stats
Height: 2' 5.25'' (53%)
Weight: 21 lbs .05 oz (69%)
Head Circumference: 18.5 inch (94%)
She is usually sporting the side pony and bow to hide her sweet baby mohawk.
We had a small celebration for Paige while some family was up for Easter. We sang to Paige and let her eat cake. I thought with how much she loved food she would have dug in a little more but she was mostly content to eat the cool whip on the outside. She did however manage to make a bit of a mess and get some cake on GiGi's dog Teddy.
Paige loves to dance. She will sway and wiggle her hands anytime she hears music, fast or slow she dances.
Paige does this smiley thing where she tilts her head back, grins super big and squints her eyes shut; we think it's a way she tries to play with us and be funny.
She finally isn't being such a huge chicken and is actually trying to take steps in between furniture and to us. After she makes it to us she laughs and smiles, very proud of herself. Other times she will stand without holding onto anything and will clap for herself.
She has times of being very dramatic. When she doesn't get what she wants she will cry and throw herself on the floor, legs and arms sprawled. Sometimes she even kicks it up a gear and will roll from one side to the other while she cries.
Paige loves her animals and dolls. She doesn't play with them really but will hug and squeeze them.
She loves to bring us things, like toys or books she wants us to read. Then when we read a book to her she loves to turn the pages, slamming them to the other side.
She also loves to play in our pantry with the Tupperware and when she gets her hands on an applesauce she immediately brings it out to us holding it in the air, her way of asking us to open and feed it to her.
She likes to throw things behind her. When she's done eating she starts to throw and drop her food off the side. She does the same thing with toys throwing them in quick, jerky moves behind her.
Paige loves her plastic silverware. At Pop Pop and Nana's house can often be found at the kid's cupboard with their bowls and silverware. She gets a fork or spoon and mixes in a bowl or cup; Mason says she's making chicken noodle soup.
For Easter we hung eggs on the tree, did an egg hunt, played with cousins and had a great time with family.