Thursday, January 10, 2013

16 Weeks Already?!?!

It's true, Mason is already 16 weeks old. He had his appointment where he got shots and of course cried. I always feel bad for him but can't help and smile at his reaction to the shots. Christopher was such a supportive Dad and got shots of his own but for the flu and whooping cough. Mason's appointment went well and was really talkative with the doctor.  He was so friendly in fact that he both peed and spit up on her. Despite the generous gifts she still thought he was pretty cute.  Here are his stats for 16 weeks.

Height: 25.8 inches(87%)
Weight: 14 lbs(42%) 
Head Circumference: 17 inches(82%)

Some of the newer things he does now are reaching out at objects and actually being able to grab them.  He also sucks on his hands non-stop, and any other objects that he can pull toward his mouth.  Also he has started to be able to sit in his bumbo chair for 5 or so minutes at at time.  It kills me when he sits in his chair he looks so big, even though his head barely reaches over the back of it.  His nails seem to grow so fast, I have to cut hem every 5-7 days if I don't want claw marks and scratches. He is most social in the morning and when he's one-on-one with people, otherwise he is distracted by all the other things he could be observing.  He's my best little man and I'm so glad I get to spend all day with him!


  1. He is so cute! I can't wait to see all of you next week!

  2. He is the cutest! And Crew is happy Mason's head is on the larger side, even though it still doesn't come close to his. :)

  3. I can't believe how time flies. You look beautiful, Mama!
