4 months
Here are Paige's 4 month stats:
Height: 26 inch (92%)
Weight: 17 lbs 3.5oz (91%)
Head Circumference: 43.5cm (98%)
Paige is continuing to be a great baby. She is still sleeping through the night, she only takes short cat naps during the day but if she'll be asleep the same time that I want to sleep I'm not going to complain. She is getting bigger and stronger, she wants to sit up all the time so naturally she loves the bumbo.
She can grab things really easily with her hands and loves getting attention from Mason. She is always willing to smile for anyone who looks at her.
We love our happy baby and being able to watch her grow!
Paige is the cutest. So glad i finally got to hold her. And as Miles says, "Baby Paige is the cutest baby in the world and Ruby is the 2nd cutest baby!" :)