Mason and Paige 5 Month Comparison
She also discovered her feet about a week ago and has been loving them ever since. As soon as she is out of her swaddle in the morning and finishes her stretching she grabs both her feet and smiles.
We also brought out the exersaucer for her to play in yesterday and she loved it. Mason played with the toys for a while which entertained her as she clung to a toy with each hand.
She has also started blowing little bubbles and spitting while she sits with us. She still loves to sit and will strain herself if she's lying down to try and sit up. She will laugh and smile when we surprise or tickle her.
She has started to get really grabby for things that are in front of her and is super fast at reaching them, Holding her while eating is starting to get interesting.
She is happy and fun, loves to talk and look at people. We love her and are having so much fun watching her grow and learn!
We went to the fair and had a blast looking at animals, walking around the exhibits and Mason especially loved sitting on the tractors and lawn mowers.
In other news Mason started potty training last Monday. It was rough the first day, he threw fits throwing his underwear around his room for about 20 mins demanding his diapers but after the first day and his poop episode a couple days later he has done surprisingly well. He even went twice at church and one was with the nursery leader. He still has a little bit of work before he can get over not wanting to poop on the toilet but he'll get there. I love not having to change his diaper or spend money for them, and he is loving being a "big boy" and picking which underwear to wear each day.
His birthday is next month and we asked him what we wanted for his birthday he responded with, "cake...and fire" which is cake and candles. He has become obsessed with birthdays and will yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" at us throughout the day. He loves the Hulk, getting bad guys, and beating up his Batman toy. He is getting so big and growing up so fast. He's such ball of energy and so much fun, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Now that I got to hang out with them so much at pearrygin I miss them even more!! Mason needs to come here and show Crew how to do this potty training thing. :)