Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2 Months Old

So it's about a week late but Mason is now 2 months old.  Here are his stats from his 2 month appointment.
Age: 9 Weeks
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz (59th %)
Height: 23.5 inches (64th %)
Head Circumference: 16.3 inches (75th%) 
Kelsey I know he's not as big as Crew, but we're trying to do some
 extra feeding to fatten him up so he doesn't look so little in December :)

I love watching him grow and see how he is developing and becoming more human-like.  He loves to stand up while you balance him, kick his legs and flail his arms while he's on the ground, smiling, talking, and sucking on his left fist.

Overall he is a pretty happy baby, sometimes he can be a little grumpy but with a face like that I can't be mad for long.  I can't wait for him to grow up and be able to play and see more and more of his personality! I am so excited for him to see more of his family in this coming month and hope everyone has a great Christmas!!                                                                    


  1. ok, i thought i posted, but i will try again. :)

    So excited to hold him soon, he is just too cute. Crew is also excited to stare at him, grab him, and perhaps even steam roll over him.

  2. He is so cute! I'm so glad we got to meet him last week and we're excited to see you all soon.
