Saturday, April 18, 2020

Jack 5 month- Mom visit

Jack at 5 months

5 Month Comparison

Here are some things about Jack:

-Loves to eat and suck on his hands
-Rolls over his left shoulder to his stomach when he lies on the ground
-Likes to play with his feet
-Will grab toys and put them
-Will razz and makes sounds with his mouth
-Slaps his arms into his body
-Spits up a lot!
-Still loves to be held standing up and facing out
-Eats baby food like a champ
-Still won't take a binki
-Laughs when he gets wiped when I change his diaper; and sometimes when while I change his clothes
-Chokes on his spit/spit up a lot
-Likes to splash with his legs in the bath
-Makes a lot of grunting noises
-He is showing more and more personality


We were one of the stops on my mom's month long vacation before she flies out to their new home in Hawaii.

While she was here we went hiking up to Fragrance Lake.  Paige had to go potty while we were there and I was feeding Jack so Christopher was the one to help her.  It was pretty hilarious watching him try to help position/hold her so she wouldn't pee on anything/anyone.

We had lot of time to relax and hang out, watch movies, and play some dominoes.  We also took a night to go out in the boat and drive down the lake.  Christopher and Zoe were brave enough to jump in the water even though it was a bit chilly outside.

We went on a lot of walks!
We played games, watched shows, made food, and had a great time!

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