Saturday, April 18, 2020

Peninsula Camping trip August 2018

We wanted to do one last camping trip before school started and before my sister went back to
school.  We decided to go camping on the peninsula.  We drove down to Christopher's sister's house the night before to get an earlier start on the drive over since the campsites are first come first serve.
During our drive Christopher really had to go to the bathroom, Mason told him, "You better hold it like a big boy."  We don't tell him this, he came up with it all on his own, he is so funny sometimes.

After the couple hour drive we show up at the camp ground we were hoping to stay at, after we drive through a couple times and walk through the campground we confirm there are no open spots.  We head to another campground with the same result.  We get on the phone with my sister Wynne to try and find more campgrounds in the area with hopes of finding something.  After a few hours and multiple campgrounds we have no luck.  We decide to bag the camping trip but at least stop off at Ruby beach for food and to let the kids run around and play.

The beach was really cool, it was starting to get  a little cloudy and chilly but the kids had a great time in a big pool of water that wasn't too deep.  They found some big logs that they rode around like little boats.

 After a while the kids got cold so we changed their clothes and loaded back into the car with the intent to drive all the way back home.  After stopping for dinner on our way out, I was still hoping and checking with campgrounds further away if they has any spaces available.  Mason had said a prayer a little while earlier asking for us to be able to find a spot that we could camp.  Right before we passed the last of the campgrounds i called and they said they had one space available.  So we decided to chance it and hope that by the time we drove the few miles it would still be there.
Mason's prayer was answered and we did find the last spot, luckily we got there first because there was a car that followed us in that was also looking for a spot.

We quickly set up our tent and got the kids down for the night.  The next morning we were able to eat breakfast and drive over to Hurricane Ridge.

 It we walked along one of their hiking loops that was paved, easy and perfect for the kids.  It had really pretty views. For lunch we drove down to the waterfront and ate our lunch at a park by the ferry.  We went back to camp to relax for a little while before we went out to the Dungeness Spit. 

The kids had a great time throwing rocks into the water, and exploring drift wood forts.  Paige had to go potty so with Jack strapped to me I had to race her back up the trail to the road where they had bathrooms, luckily she barely made it.

We played games and the kids ran around the trees with sticks playing.

That night we had a campfire, the kids loved throwing small pieces of things into the fire and watching them burn.

On our way home we got to take a ferry over which the kids always love.  We had a fun camping trip even though it didn't go as planned and it was totally improvised.  It will always be one I remember.

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